Author: Dana Sheng, MD
Co Author #1: Dana L Sheng, MD
Co Author #2: Jeremiah W Ray, MD
Co Author #3: Julie L Ingwerson, MD
Senior Editor: Kristine Karlson, MD, FAMSSM
Editor: Jason Blackham, MD
Patient Presentation:
Chief complaint: left knee pain and swelling
A 21-year-old female collegiate soccer goalkeeper presented immediately after a match with pain and swelling of her anterior left knee. She first noted pain during the game without a mechanism of injury but was able to complete the match. Afterward, she sought care from the certified athletic trainer with additional swelling and pain that prompted physician evaluation.
Physical Exam:
The post-match exam revealed obvious swelling at the anteromedial aspect of her knee on inspection. She had full active and passive range of motion. Palpation revealed tenderness at the medial joint line and patellar facets. Apprehension and poor relaxation were noted with attempts at patellar glide. There were no increased quadrants of medial or lateral glide. No J sign noted. No laxity with ligamentous testing. McMurray's was non-specific.
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