Author: Jill Inouye, MD
Co Author #1: Dr. Chris McGrew
Patient Presentation:
Twenty-four-year-old male skier who presented to the training room with anterolateral shoulder pain for 3 months.
His left shoulder pain started during the summer, when he was at home in Germany. There was no acute injury or trauma resulting in his pain. He saw his doctor in Germany and had tried NSAIDs, a subacromial corticosteroid injection, and physical therapy, but the pain persisted. The patient later recalled that he had been involved in a bicycle accident but did not have pain right after the fall. The left shoulder pain was worse with overhead motions. He also had night pain that occasionally woke him up.
Patient had x-rays obtained in Germany and these were viewed from his laptop. There were no abnormalities seen on the x-ray from Germany and the radiologist in Germany had also read the radiographs as normal Case Photo #1 Case Photo #2 .
Physical Exam:
General: No acute distress
Left shoulder and neck: No skin changes. Good alignment. Negative Spurling and foraminal compression tests. Non-tender over the acromioclavicular joint and no crepitus. Mild limitation with active flexion, abduction, and external rotation due to pain. Pain with Hawkins and Neer's tests. Negative Jobe's, Speed's, Yergason's, and O'Brien's tests.
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