Author: Kenneth Lee
Co Author #1: Kenneth Lee, M.D.
Co Author #2: Justin Classie, M.D.
Patient Presentation:
Presented to orthopaedic clinic with right lateral ankle pain.
A 30 year old male professional soccer player, with history of multiple ankle sprains, left anterior cruciate ligament repair (2001), right anterior cruciate ligament repair (2005), left knee arthroscopy for loose body, notchplasty, and microfracture (2013), presented with right lateral ankle pain. Date of injury was July 9th, 2014 during a practice game. He was running full speed, made an acute cut inward, suddenly rolling his right ankle. He was able to bear partial weight, but unable to continue play. Lateral ankle pain was 8/10, nonradiating, worsened with any movement, especially ankle inversion, and improved with rest and ice.
Physical Exam:
On initial exam, inspection revealed a swollen ankle, and diffuse tenderness to palpation of the right lateral ankle. Strength exam was significant for right ankle eversion 4+/5. Rest of the neurovascular exam and ankle provocation tests were unremarkable, including anterior drawer test, squeeze test, fracture test, and inversion/eversion talar tilt tests.
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