Patellar Tendinopathy

Author: Ben Kopecky, DO, MS
Affiliation: Mayo Clinic Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Rochester, MN
Co Author(s): Co-Author: Karson Mostert, MD Senior Editor: Cara Prideaux, MD
Senior Editor: William Denq, MD

Clinical Vignette: 30 yo male multi-sport athlete with a 6-month history of anterior knee pain with sudden onset when loading to jump while playing volleyball. Pain is sharp, persistent since onset, and worsened with explosive movements. Exam is notable for intact extensor mechanism, although weak and painful with knee extension, and tenderness to palpation of proximal patellar tendon.

Type of Probe Used: Linear LA4-18B

Long axis view of patellar tendon. Left is proximal.

Long axis view of patellar tendon. Hypoechogenicity of thickened tendon noted by yellow line. Intratendinous calcification (yellow arrowhead) seen in proximal posterior patellar tendon. Mid substance partial tear (white arrowhead).

Long axis view of patellar tendon with Doppler. Hypervascularity seen originating deep to the patellar tendon and travelling superficially into the tendon.
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Long axis view of patellar tendon scanned dynamically. As the transducer moves medial to lateral, the central tendon thickening is visualized.

NOTE: For more information, please contact the AMSSM, 4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100, Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 327-1415.

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