Fitness Instructor With More Than Just A Crick In The Neck: When Pt Is Not The Only Answer - Page #3

Lab Studies:
WBC 10.22, HGB 10.2 (L), HCT 31.9 (L), PLT 337
Na 144, K 3.7, Cl 101, CO2 28, BUN 18, Cr 0.79, Gluc 63
AST 16, ALT 24, ALK Phos 160, TBili 0.2
Lactate 1.2
ESR 59 (H), CRP 6.1 (H)

Other Studies:
Xray from ED showed degenerative disc disease at C5-6, C6-7 Case Photo #1

MRI Ordered from clinic showed significant edema in C6-7 in both vertebral bodies, fluid collection in the disc space extending anteriorly and tracking cranial and caudal from C5-T1 deep to anterior longitudinal ligament and to a lesser degree posteriorly along the posterior longitudinal ligament.
Cystic erosive change in both end plates anteriorly resulting in a focal wedging. Highly concerning for discitis osteomyelitis Case Photo #2 Case Photo #3

Neurosurgery consulted based off of MRI findings when patient admitted to the hospital

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NOTE: For more information, please contact the AMSSM, 4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100, Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 327-1415.

© The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine
4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100
Leawood, KS 66211
Phone: 913.327.1415

Website created by the computer geek