Author: Catherine Yau, DO
Co Author #1: Dr. Kenton Fibel, M.D.
Co Author #2: N/A
Co Author #3: N/A
Senior Editor: Justin Mark Young, MD, FAMSSM
Editor: James Robinson, MD, FAMSSM
Patient Presentation:
30 year old left-hand dominant male who presents to the clinic for evaluation of left elbow pain.
He reports chronic, dull, intermittent pain about the left elbow. There is no prior injury to the left elbow. He has noticed persistent elbow stiffness and decreased range of motion for many years. He has difficulty attaining full extension or supination. He denies radicular symptoms.
Of note, he has a history of hemangiomas/venous malformations and had minor partial resections as an infant as well as sclerotherapy to the left arm.
Physical Exam:
Patient is in no acute distress and is well-developed.
Exam of the left elbow shows no obvious deformities or overlying skin abnormalities. There is no tenderness of anterior elbow structures, medial elbow, lateral elbow, or joint lines. Palpation shows an intact distal biceps tendon. There is restricted range of motion. Arc of motion shows extension-flexion 15 to 130 degrees with discomfort at end extension and end flexion. Pronation is slightly limited to 75 degrees. Supination is significantly limited to 60 degrees. Varus and valgus stress testing are negative. Strength testing is 5/5. He is neurovascularly intact.
Right elbow range of motion is normal.
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