Common Skateboarding Injury Leads To A Less Common Diagnosis - Page #1

Author: Kishan Patel, OMS-IV
Co Author #1: R. Robert Franks DO, FAOASM
Senior Editor: Yaowen (Eliot) Hu, MD, MBA, FAMSSM
Editor: Ian McKeag, MD

Patient Presentation:
A 42-year-old female presented with a complaint of left knee pain.

The patient stated that two weeks ago she had a knee injury while skateboarding which forced the knee into genu valgus and a possible twist. She did not hear a pop, snap, or crack. She has had occasional swelling that has improved. Her pain was worse at the medial joint line, and there was no radiating pain. She was able to ambulate without mechanical locking, catching, or buckling. Activities such as bending, squatting, pivoting, and jumping exacerbated her pain. She tried heat, ice, activity modification, and NSAIDs without significant pain relief.

Physical Exam:
On exam, her skin was intact with no effusion, gross atrophy or deformities. The patient had full range of motion of the left knee with 5/5 muscle strength. She had medial joint line tenderness, but no tenderness laterally. There was discomfort with valgus stress at 0 and 30 degrees but no gapping/laxity. No pain or gapping with varus stress. No pain with palpation of the posterior knee. There was positive McMurray and Steinman testing but negative Lachman, anterior/posterior drawer, and patellar grind testing. The patient was neurovascularly intact.

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NOTE: For more information, please contact the AMSSM, 4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100, Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 327-1415.

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