An Illistrative Case Of Conservative Therapy For Common Wrist Injury - Page #4

Working Diagnosis:
Partial scapholunate ligament tear

Given the diagnosis of partial tearing of the scapholunate liagment without evidence of significant instability, the decision was made for the athlete to undergo conservative treatment consisting of wearing a cock-up wrist splint for eight weeks. He was also treated with NSAIDS, cryotherapy and activity modification.

The patient was able to gradually return to his previous physical activity.

Author's Comments:
The dynamic AP clenched view of the wrist will effectively show scapholunate diastasis and should be ordered when consideration of scapholunate ligament injury(1).

Scapholunate dissociation is the most common and most significant ligament injury of the wrist. Non-operative treatment of scapholunate dissociation can only be recommended for dynamic scapholunate instability(2).

1.Indian J Plast Surg. 2011 May-Aug; 44(2): 186–196.

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