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A4 Pulley Rupture
18 YO male presented for left 4th digit finger pain when coming off the wall from rock climbing using crimp grip position. Swelling and tenderness to palpation noted in the distal aspect of the middle phalanx of the left hand |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
45-year-old female with intermittent numbness of the left hand in digits 1-3, worse at night, without significant weakness presents for ultrasound evaluation. |
Quadriceps Tendon Rupture
51-year-old male with acute onset severe knee pain after attempting to snap a branch with a stomping mechanism while camping. Patient reported that the branch "hit him in the knee". Patient was evaluated and placed in a hinged knee brace locked in extension at an outside ED and referred to clinic. Clinical evaluation 3 days later identified diffuse ecchymosis and palpable defect proximal to the left patella along with a knee extensor lag. |
Medial Gastrocnemius Tear
A 35-year-old male contractor presented to clinic with 5 of 10, non-radiating, right mid-calf pain after repeatedly kicking his work trailer. He has pain with weight-bearing, ankle plantar-flexion, and palpation of the medial head of the gastrocnemius and mid-belly of the soleus. Thompson test is negative. |
Patellar Tendon Rupture
41 yr old M with knee pain after feeling a pop while playing basketball 6 weeks prior. On exam, there is a palpable defect at the infrapatellar space and weakness with knee extension. |
Achilles Tendinopathy in a Runner
50-year-old male recreational runner complaining of right posterior ankle pain for 1 year. There is focal thickening of the Achilles tendon on exam. |
Myositis Ossificans
16-year-old male high school football athlete presenting after right thigh injury sustained during football practice 2 weeks prior presents with continued anterior thigh pain with ambulation, knee flexion, and with a decreased range of motion. |
Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture
An ambidextrous 60 year-old male presents with distal forearm pain and bruising following an injury as he was getting pulled up by a boat to water ski. The patient felt a popping sensation and immediately experienced pain following the injury. He complains of weakness with forearm flexion and supination at the time of examination. |
Patellar Tendinopathy
30 yo male multi-sport athlete with a 6-month history of anterior knee pain with sudden onset when loading to jump while playing volleyball. Pain is sharp, persistent since onset, and worsened with explosive movements. Exam is notable for intact extensor mechanism, although weak and painful with knee extension, and tenderness to palpation of proximal patellar tendon. |
Distal Clavicle Osteolysis
A physically active 30-year-old male presents to the sports medicine clinic for anterior shoulder pain that is worse during and after performing push-ups. A positive Scarf test is noted. |
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