AMSSM Position Statement and New Curriculum Published

AMSSM Position Statement on Interventional Ultrasound in Sports Medicine and New Curriculum Published

AMSSM is pleased to announce the release of the AMSSM Position Statement on Interventional Ultrasound in Sports Medicine and the AMSSM Recommended Sports Ultrasound Curriculum for Sports Medicine Fellowships.

The position statement and curriculum are now available at CJSM and BJSM and posted along with other AMSSM position statements on the AMSSM website.

CJSM - published in the January 2015 issue of CJSM. To view, click here (must log in to the AMSSM website);

BJSM - posted online on the BJSM site (and will be published in the February 2015 issue of BJSM that will be available by mid-January).

Along with the printed articles, the first CJSM podcast of 2015 features a conversation with the lead author of these two papers, Board member Jonathan Finnoff, D.O. of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center. Click here to listen to the podcast.

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